KETTAL || New Pavilion O Presents Building Blocks To Create An Agile Workplace For The Future

KETTAL || New Pavilion O Presents Building Blocks To Create An Agile Workplace For The Future

Gone are the days of the open office. Companies are looking for flexible, modular spaces that they could quickly rearrange to adapt to the unpredictability of the future of the workplace.

The new Pavilion O by Kettal aims to do just that, by providing agile structures that can be easily reconfigured to suit new work environments. The design allows you to divide offices into zones while offering enclosed workspaces. The aluminum structure of the pavilion can be built out using a variety of materials. You also have the option to integrate electrical cables and functional accessories to tailor the structure to your needs.

Even though the majority of us are craving in-person interactions like never before, after the year-long isolation of working from home, we want to know that our workplaces have made the necessary adjustments to maintain the safety of all involved. We see these pavilions as great breakout spaces to allow for small group meetings, or to provide a quiet space for focused solo work.

Pavilion O facilitates the creation of countless office and workspace layouts that can be rapidly adapted to accommodate changes to your headcount or department functions. Reshape the reception area to provide a semi-private waiting area for guests neatly tucked behind the reception desk. Other setups allow you to hop into semi-open meeting rooms where you can close the drapes to create a meeting space.


Click & Work, Kettal's unique clipping system means you can transform your spaces to create your own mood ecosystems. Wall to wall or corner to corner, the scope for creating adaptable office spaces is limitless. Configurations can be altered in a few hours to provide new spaces.

These beautiful, flexible office design systems elevate both the safety and design aesthetic of the workspace for the future.