Roaming bookstores is my weekly (and if I had the time for it, daily) activity. 5 years ago I found myself standing in front of a familiar shelf of magazines in a bookstore and realizing that reading materials for women ranged from how to cook delicious and easy meals at home to publications specializing on perfecting on looks, such as how and where to get Botox. We were being taught how to nourish our exterior appearance and how to nourish other people (with food), but what about our own intellect? What were we feeding it?
I set out with my newly-bought camera a year later, because it took that long for me to battle startup inertia aka I don’t have enough time to start another business in addition to the one I am already running, and took my first photos to write a blog post.
I want Pendulum Magazine to be a place where we pause and take a moment from our busy, cluttered lives to appreciate all the creativity, talent, beauty, that is in the world. I used to pour myself into volumes of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series as a kid, and I want Pendulum to do that for this new generation, via a digital platform, through visuals and copy that together share the stories of the people and brands we feature.
I was always working, socializing, exercising, traveling... always doing something. Then I looked around and realized that everyone else was also doing the same - living their lives at an extreme pace and hardly ever finding time to look reflect or to internalize knowledge that may have passed by in a fleeting moment.
Travelling, meeting new people, seeing new places, reading new and old classics, experiencing diverse cultures, learning to appreciate art around the world, encountering innovative chefs and their creations fascinate me, and I dared to hypothesize that somewhere out there, YOU might also enjoy this content.
3 years later, here we are, with over 40K readers each month, which still is a small but I hope dedicated community. I hope you continue to explore the world’s many hidden gems, people, and businesses with us.
“Our intention is to help you look inside, think, digest, ideate and go forth stronger with clarity.”
Read Pendulum. Get back to center.