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STEPPING INTO AUTUMN | How to Reach 10K Steps While Embracing the Season

Something magical about autumn makes you want to step outside, take a deep breath of that crisp air, and just keep walking. 

The leaves crunching underfoot, the smell of wood smoke in the distance, and the golden hues painting the trees—a season that invites you to move, explore, and get outside more often. And what better way to enjoy this beautiful time of year than by reaching that coveted 10K step goal each day?

I’ve always loved walking, but something about autumn makes those steps feel even more rewarding. It’s like nature’s own motivation coach, encouraging you with its beauty and peacefulness. So, as the days get shorter and cooler, here’s how you can reach your 10K steps a day while embracing all that autumn has to offer.

Why Autumn is Perfect for Walking

First of all, let’s talk about the weather. In autumn, the air is crisp, the sun is gentler, and everything feels… fresher. Walking through a park or along tree-lined streets becomes less of a chore and more of a mini escape.

Walking also does wonders for your health—both physically and mentally. As the colder months approach and we tend to stay indoors more, staying active through daily walks helps boost your immune system and keeps your mood lifted. Not to mention, it’s a great way to clear your mind and de-stress after a long day.

How to Reach 10K Steps This Season

How do we hit that 10K step goal when sometimes it feels like our days fly by? Here are some tips that work for me, and I hope they can work for you too!

1. Plan Scenic Routes

Fall doesn’t only exist in nature! Sometimes the city is full of vibrant orange leaves that have fallen from the tall trees in nearby parks or on sidewalks. 

One of my favourite things to do in autumn is to seek out new walking routes, whether it’s through a nearby park or along a quiet neighbourhood. The changing colours make even the most familiar paths feel like something new. Try mapping out new routes to enjoy the season's beauty. You might even stumble across a hidden gem in your area!

2. Make Walking a Part of Your Routine

Getting in 10K steps doesn’t have to be a massive, time-consuming effort. I like to sneak in extra steps throughout the day by parking further away from my destination, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or heading out for a quick walk during lunch. It all adds up! If you’re working from home, try a morning or afternoon “commute” walk to set the tone for the day or unwind in the evening. When the weather gets chilly, I opt-in for the treadmill so I can still get my steps in regardless of the weather outside. 

3. Challenge Yourself

One thing that’s really helped me is setting little challenges or goals for myself. For example, I might plan a weekend walk on a trail I’ve been meaning to explore, or I’ll challenge a friend to a friendly step competition using a fitness app. (There’s nothing like a little friendly competition to keep you motivated, right?) I’ve been using this app called Habitica – it’s not a fitness app but tracks your habits and the gamified system levels up your avatar. 

Mindfulness While Walking

Walking during autumn isn’t just about hitting a number—it’s about being present. I’ve found that my autumn walks have become a form of meditation. I love pausing to hear the wind rustling through the trees or watching the leaves flutter like confetti. It’s a great reminder to slow down, breathe, and appreciate the beauty around us. Plus, being mindful during your walks can make the whole experience so much more rewarding.

Sometimes, even taking the long way home just to get those extra steps in helps you hit your 10K goal. 

Embrace Autumn, One Step at a Time

So, as the leaves start to fall and the days grow shorter, don’t let the season pass you by from the couch. Step outside, breathe in the cool air and aim for those 10K steps a day. You’ll not only be doing your body a favour but also nurturing your mind and spirit. Trust me, once you get into the rhythm of autumn walks, you’ll look forward to every step.