HEALTH BENEFITS || Ayurvedic Treatments and Practices to Enhance the Harmony of Life

Ayurveda translates to “The Knowledge of Life”. It is a holistic and natural system of medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years.
Today, I will share the basic principles and key treatments in Ayurveda, and an Ayurveda Golden Milk recipe to get you started on your wellness journey.
Ayurveda provides an integrated approach to preventing and treating illnesses through lifestyle interventions and natural therapies. By understanding the proper balance of the three doshas aka vital energies (vata, pitta and kapha) in your body, Ayurveda can help activate your body's innate healing mechanisms.
The goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to eliminate impurities, reduce symptoms, increase resistance to illnesses, reduce any worries and concerns, and most importantly, to increase the harmony of life. Some of the main ingredients used in the treatment are herbs, oils and common spices.
Herbs and spices used in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Practices and Treatments
Let’s start with 3 simple Ayurvedic practices.
One of the essentials of Ayurveda is breathing techniques. Pranayama is the first step to soothing and replenishing your body.
Pranayama breathing techniques originated from yogic practices in India. Nadi Sodhana - “Alternate Nostril Breathing” is one of my favourites. Follow the steps to begin Nadi Sodhana.
Step 1: Sit in a comfortable position (my go-to is the crossed leg)
Step 2: Place your left hand on your left knee
Step 3: Place your right thumb on your right nostril, and inhale from your left nostril
Step 4: Hold your breath, place your ring finger onto your left nostril and exhale from your right
Step 5: Now, inhale from your right, hold, place your thumb on your right nostril, and exhale from your left
Step 6: This is one cycle; repeat it 10 times.
Abhyanga is a massage done with warm oil. And you can master this technique and enjoy a relaxing massage at home. To enhance the benefits, hop in a warm steamy bath or sauna afterwards.
Nidra, quality of sleep, is one of the key components of Ayurvedic practice. Going to bed and waking up early is essential to your body’s balance.
Practicing Pranayama in lotus position
Now that we’ve got the basics, let’s dive into focused treatments. Most of these treatments are my secret home remedies, especially the ones that tackle a cold or a headache. They work wonders for me!
Cold Treatments
If you’re battling the infamous seasonal cold, Ayurveda can help. Run a hot bath infused with cinnamon sticks, dried hibiscus flowers, ginger and honey.
Migraine Treatments
Next time a headache comes your way, try mixing ground cloves with cinnamon oil and apply it directly to your forehead or temples. Leaving it on for about 20-30 minutes should relieve the pain.
Insomnia Treatments
Having trouble getting a good night's sleep? Ayurveda offers a few methods to relieve insomnia. Try a glass of warm milk mixed with green cardamom before bed or try mixing it with cinnamon and honey. Alternatively, you can also try mixing a drink with a tisane of fresh and dried mint with honey
Hair Loss Treatments
The perfect home remedy for hair loss or gray hair treatments only requires a few ingredients. Put together one part cinnamon, two parts honey, and three parts olive oil. Apply the paste directly onto your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing.
Ayurveda Golden Milk
Earlier, we mentioned that in Ayurveda, there are three doshas in your body. Tumeric is one of the key ingredients used to balance all three doshas. Try a glass of authentic golden milk; we promise it’s an excellent way to start your Ayurveda journey.
Ayurveda golden milk recipe
1 1/2 cups of whole milk, preferably organic, without added preservatives
1 1/2 tsp ground turmeric (turmeric powder)
1/4 tsp ground ginger (ginger powder)
1 whole cinnamon stick (or 1/4 tsp of ground cinnamon)
1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom, or 2-3 cardamom pods, crushed (optional)
1 tbsp ghee or coconut oil
1 pinch ground black pepper
1 tbsp sweetener of choice (i.e. maple syrup, honey or jaggery)
Step 1: Warm milk in a small saucepan over low heat. Add turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, and cardamom (if using). Stir until well combined.
Step 2: Bring the mixture to a simmer. Allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes, stir or whisk occasionally until smooth. Ensure the turmeric dissolves into the milk.
Step 3: Remove the saucepan from the heat. Strain the golden milk into your favourite mug.
Step 4: Stir in ghee or coconut oil and a sweetener of your choice (if using) into the milk.
(Tip: If you use honey as a sweetener, make sure that you don’t heat honey as heated honey is considered toxic in Ayurveda.)
Step 5: Enjoy while it is still warm!