HEALTH || Here's What Happened To My Body When I Stopped My Keto Diet

After 6 months of being on the keto diet, I decided I could no longer stave off my cravings for carbohydrates.
Before embarking on the ketogenic diet, I had indulged in dessert every day of the week as a sweet endnote to my day, enjoyed a warmed slice of toast in the morning, and at least one creamy pasta per week. However, it quickly added to what others joke as ‘covid-20’ — the 20 pounds lots of people gained during the covid lockdown.
Having heard about the many benefits of the keto diet from friends and experts like Dr. David G. Harper, I decided to give it a try. For 6 months, I turned my diet upside down, changing all the ingredients on my kitchen shelves, cooking and baking extensively at home because it was tough to tell what I could and could not eat whenever I went out to eat at a restaurant. However, it took roughly a month and a bit for me to figure out what was keto-friendly (and hunt down the only 2 bakeries in town that sold keto-friendly desserts). You can read our collection of articles on the Keto Diet here, which debunks common myths, provides tips for the transition to the keto diet, and tips on how to sustain your keto diet journey.
Cupcakes with buttery frosting are calling my name
About a 6-month journey on the keto diet, I decided to transition to a low-carb diet to enjoy some carbohydrates as part of my diet. However, after an extended time on a very low-carb diet, all hell broke loose when I stopped my keto diet. I went back to eating dessert every day from my favourite bakeries and cafes, started drinking oat milk lattes, and had my pasta of the week again.
It felt great at the moment as I was reunited with my favourites foods. The soft, fluffy, warm cinnamon buns I had been craving, a hot piping bowl of chicken soup ramen…I wondered how I had such determination in me to go without them for 6 months.
At the time of this writing, it was about 3 weeks since I stopped my keto diet, and I felt very…different.
While I was on the keto diet, I felt like I had brain fuel to keep me sharp and energetic throughout the entire day. Also, without a usual carb-heavy lunch, I was not feeling sluggish by the time it hit 3 O’clock. My body felt more balanced, there was less bloating, and overall I felt like my body’s engine was humming along.
Suddenly it felt like every joint was inflamed as I reintroduced sugar to my diet
A week after I got off the keto diet, it seemed like all of my previous ailments had returned—inflamed joints, sluggish afternoons, and bloating from stored fats from eating carbohydrates. It seemed as if no amount of exercising or yoga to stretch out my muscle and joints were helping. Even at night, I felt like I was having more restless nights; I woke up tired (this is an absolutely horrible feeling after you feel like you should have enjoyed a restful night’s sleep). Unfortunately, I didn’t fully appreciate the effects of the keto diet while I was on it until I no longer experienced the benefits.
On the other hand, I was able to enjoy the delicious food I was craving — all the sugary goodies from bakeries and cafes, creamy lattes, and indulgent pasta. Would you trade your food cravings for a healthier body?
Would I go back to the keto diet? I am definitely considering this as inflamed joints and tense muscles are a major distraction to the productivity of my workday, and it feels great to work with a clear mind and boundless energy.
I have also considered another alternative, where I reduce my level of refined sugar and carbohydrate intake, as sugar is a known inflammatory agent for the body (and I am definitely feeling its effects the past few weeks). This hopefully will reduce the level of inflammation in my body.
Dieting is just like exercising, you need to find the style that is right for your body
Every person’s body is different, so this is my account of how my body changed as I started introducing carbohydrates and sugars to my diet again.
As long as you feel good in your body with the food that you eat, then choose what works for you. Right now I am slowly exploring what I can and can’t eat to build up a healthy diet, body, and mind. I will check back in with another update after I have tried this for a month. I hope this provides context for those who are considering the keto diet, and for those who are considering ending their keto diet journey.