HOME RECIPE || Fruity, Crunchy and Tropical Coco-banana Nice Cream Parfait

Looking for breakfast or afternoon snack inspiration?
Try this colourful and wholesome tropical coco-banana nice cream parfait. Fresh mango, kiwi, and banana add a tropical twist to this frosty coco-banana nice cream parfait. A layer of Nature’s Path Organic Honey Almond Granola offers a touch of sweet nuttiness and plenty of crunch!
⅓ cup Nature’s Path Organic Honey Almond Granola (plus more for topping)
1 Ataulfo mango, chopped
1 kiwi, chopped
½ banana, chopped
Coco-banana nice cream:
1 ½ ripe frozen bananas
3 tbsp shredded coconut
2 tbsp coconut milk
1 ½tbsp maple syrup
Prepare Coco-Banana Nice Cream: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until smooth and creamy, pausing to mix as needed.
Begin assembling your parfait by layering the ingredients into a jar. Start with 1/2 of the chopped fruit, 1/3 cup of Nature’s Path Organic Honey Almond Granola, followed by the coco-banana nice cream, the remaining 1/3 cup of granola, and the remaining fruit. Top parfait with an extra sprinkle Nature’s Path Organic Honey Almond Granola.
Note: To make this breakfast parfait vegan, use Nature’s Path Organic Vanilla Almond Granola instead.
Recipe & photo by Brittany Mueller from I Love Vegan.
About Nature’s Path
Nature's Path is a sustainability-driven, family-owned producer of healthy, delicious, certified organic breakfast and snack foods. They believe in "leaving the earth better than [they] found it" and are recognized for incorporating the notion of sustainability into its business practices through its support of various charitable and eco-friendly initiatives. With a portfolio of more than 150 products, Nature's Path aims to help you start the day off right.
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