A BY TUNG || 18-Course Tasting Menu Featuring Local Vietnamese Ingredients from the Earth and Sea

A BY TUNG || 18-Course Tasting Menu Featuring Local Vietnamese Ingredients from the Earth and Sea

I was disappointed when I couldn’t secure a reservation at TUNG Dining in Hanoi. But I’m never one to give up, and this is how I found myself standing outside of the A by TUNG building in Ho Chi Minh.

Yes, it is a different city, but there is the same creative inspiration and innovative spirit behind the restaurant’s dishes. As I approached the building, I saw a server awaiting my arrival by the glass doors. They already knew my name and said my table had been prepared for me. The entire first floor is dedicated to an open kitchen with two large stations where chefs are bustling about. We ascended the staircase to the second-floor dining room. The tables are set far apart for privacy, and the ambiance is soothing and calm with a dimly-lit ambiance but with spotlighting at each table to ensure guests can take in the visual presentation of the dishes.

Tables are separated a fair distance from other diners, offering guests privacy to enjoy their meal.

An advance note for those who would like to visit the restaurant to avoid disappointment. Make your reservation online through email, and leave enough time for the restaurant to get back to you with a confirmation. Note that the team cannot accommodate gluten, seafood, or lactose-free menus to maintain the storytelling of their menu and the culinary journey they want their guests to experience with each seasonal menu. For those who are heading to Hanoi on a family vacation and wish to visit, the restaurant also does not allow children under 12 due to the length of the meal; just imagine asking your children to sit still and be quiet for three to four hours to enjoy a fine dining meal, I can’t picture it being a fun outing for anyone.

The juice pairing was perfect with each of the courses.

Hamachi with guava.

Lime with watermelon basking in a cloud of dry ice to cleanse the palate.

Now, if all of the above points don’t deter you, you are in for a treat because the seasonal tasting menu at A by TUNG is a feast for your eyes and palate. I enjoyed the “TO THE AURORA LIGHT” menu, and items like scallops paired with almonds and Hamachi dressed in sweet and tangy guava, are just two of the eighteen delightful courses on the menu. You can also choose from juice or beer pairing for the tasting menu or the standard water, tea, or coffee. Needless to say, it is a very filling meal, so make sure to come hungry!

The ingredients and flavour pairings already had me excited for the occasion, and the plating and styling are another reason to fall in love with the restaurant’s offerings. Even the tableware selected for each course has been chosen to highlight the food's colours, shape, and texture. As the server sets down each dish, they place an ingredient card in a cardholder and explain the story behind it. This is a really helpful touch, as I could read the card while enjoying the dish to learn more about the details. It’s a much more engaging experience. I’m sure it’s not only me who misses bits and pieces of information as the server talks about the dish. Sometimes, we wish we could ask them to repeat themselves but feel bad about it, so these visual cards with a detailed explanation are the perfect companion to each dish.

All the flavours of a traditional bowl of pho noodles condensed into a single bite.

Amaebi with chorizo.

King Prawn with scallions.

I will remember and rave about some highlights of my meal to anyone who would listen to me talk about my culinary experiences in Hanoi. The scallop paired with an almond foam—who knew seafood would work so well with nutty flavours? It gave it a warm, earthy scent and flavour unique from other seafood dishes I have tried. The hamachi with guava is on the other end of the spectrum with a playful, fruity, zesty pairing—so refreshing on a summer evening. What they served for the item labelled ‘Pho’ on the menu was one of the dishes I loved for its creative presentation. Thinly sliced beef is placed between a pho noodle and a jelly that contains the concentrated essence of pho soup. It’s like a bowl of pho noodles in one bite. Another mouth-watering dish is the amaebi with chorizo. The spicy kick with the shrimp's smooth yet fresh, crunchy texture is fantastic. The King Prawn was another hit with its duo of sauces that allowed me to mix and match flavours. So delicious.

Toothfish with Laksa flavours.

Aromatic beef rice with the nation's famous ST25 rice.

One of the larger courses was the pigeon, sourdough bread and clay pot rice. The aromatic and slightly chewy rice with just the right amount of oils was scrumptious and paired perfectly with the hearty, gamey flavours of the pigeon. The sourdough bread made me want to order seconds to bring back to my hotel. Finally, if I had to choose a dessert I would gladly hop on a flight for, it would be the Sweet Potato Brown Butter dessert at A by TUNG. The staff mentioned that this is a standard item on every seasonal tasting menu because many guests have loved it, so I hope that if you plan on visiting Ho Chi Minh and have this restaurant on your list, you can try this dessert. This restaurant is one that I would visit many times over, as the hospitality, ambiance, and cuisine are all top-tier. Add it to your bucket list, it’s worth the trek.

The dessert that makes it worth the trip. Sweet potato with brown butter.



+84 982 808 533

31-33 Đặng Dung, Phường Tân Định, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh 70000, Vietnam

Photography by Florence Leung