ON BUSINESS || 6 'Small Things' That Could Cost You Your Job

It’s not all about performance when management discusses who they will promote behind closed doors.
They discuss what employees would consider small things. Performance plays a factor, but you would be surprised how everyday behaviours play a much more significant part in whether you stand out.
Below are actual comments from CEOs, Directors, VPs, and other management members when evaluating their team.
Accuracy. “They’re really fast with the work, but I wish they would just take more time to ensure the work is done correctly.” Here, management is evaluating for accuracy and efficiency. What good is it if you’re fast with your tasks but most of them end up with tiny, avoidable mistakes? Leaders would rather have members who take the right amount of time to meet the deadline instead of rushing through it, so they aren’t wasting their time correcting your spelling errors when you submit a report. Remember that your manager, Director, or VP isn’t your English teacher—their time is better spent making strategic revisions, not correcting your grammar.
Punctuality. “Is there a reason they can’t get to work on time?” Management infers future behaviour from present behaviour, and if they can’t count on you to be on time for a client meeting, it likely transfers to being unable to meet other types of deadlines. This domino effect drags down the performance of the overall team.
Comprehension. “They’re creative, but it seems like they have trouble understanding the instructions and ensuring they execute all the listed tasks. Why did they only do two out of four things I listed in an email?” It’s not the minor details such as a spelling error, but it’s where people skip glaring bullet points in an email. Take the time to do the task correctly and in detail. The first flag that should tell you there’s a problem with your comprehension? When your leader sends your work back for version 2, 3, 4 or 5. Do it right and in its entirety on the first try.
Accountability. “But I’m just a [insert role/position/title].” When it comes time to own up to mistakes or lack of performance, no one wants to be responsible. It’s someone else who didn’t send something on time; it’s someone else blocking their creativity; it’s something else that caused issues with the account. It’s anything but YOU. Few management want to carry staff members with a victim mentality who won’t own any piece of the pie but are ready to share the credit.
Proactiveness. “If we didn’t say anything or directly point out the issue, it probably would never get done or corrected.” If you’re seen as an instruction-taker, which means you don’t bring new ideas and/or solutions to the table, your management will feel they need to tell you what to do and how to do everything. They get tired of babysitting at some point and would rather have someone proactive in your role instead.
Inability to Prioritize. “I don’t see the problem. It’s minor, yet they’re ready to die on that hill and waste time treating it like a priority. It’s like I have to talk them off of a ledge.” You kill everyone's time when you focus on the wrong problems for the wrong reasons. You know that report you should have handed in last week? Yeah, work on that instead.
People are also let go when they don’t meet performance standards, but the above ‘small things’ add up to big things, especially in a down economy when efficiency is king. Companies want staff who are reliable, proactive, and capable of prioritizing key tasks. It’s a foundation you need to build and secure to keep your job to weather the storm.