SECRET SAUCE SHOW || All-New YouTube Food Series Shares Lessons from Successful Restauranteurs

What’s your secret sauce?
This is a question Vancouver entrepreneur Wilson K Lee seeks to answer with his new YouTube Food series, aptly named the Secret Sauce Show. He goes behind the scenes to chat with restaurant owners around the city to uncover what their secret sauce is — how do they manage to run a successful business in such a competitive industry?
The show is also dedicated to helping tackle the growing problem of food security in North America by donating all proceeds to Food Banks Canada and Feeding America. It’s estimated that 54 million people in North America are facing food insecurity as a result of COVID (source: Feeding America). All ad revenue and social sharing of the episodes will be towards the show's mission of feeding 10,000 hungry people. So as you can see, there are plenty of reasons to catch the prequel and the upcoming episodes of the Secret Sauce Show.
Behind the scenes of the Secret Sauce Show at Anh and Chi
The Secret Sauce Show takes viewers behind the scenes of 8 popular Vancouver restaurants to provide an inside look at their success including their startup stories, food secrets, and taboo numbers like rent and operating costs. Featured businesses include local favourites Anh & Chi, Nook, Straight & Marrow, and Fergie’s in Squamish.
The episodes will premier weekly for free on the Wilson K Lee YouTube channel. All of the revenue generated from YouTube advertisements will go straight to the cause. In addition, each share on social media will net a donation of 25 cents. Feeding America maintains that $1 = 10 meals thanks to donation matching from their partner organizations and companies. Think of what you could do to contribute to feeding the hungry simply by watching a show featuring some of the best restaurants in the city in the comfort of your own home!
Behind the scenes at Juke Fried Chicken
If you are an aspiring restauranteur, the insider view on what it really takes to run a restaurant will allow you to go into business with your eyes wide open and with more clarity than before.
Although most would shy away from opening a restaurant during the special circumstances that we live in right now, it’s been said that the best and more creative businesses are often started during a recession, and we tend to agree.
Watch the prequel on Wilson’s YouTube Channel and get more details on exciting new episodes at
Photos courtesy of Secret Sauce Show