HALF MIRROR || Modern Design Combining Functionality and Flexibility

The next generation of interior design calls for functionality and flexibility, and HALF MIRROR developed SVOYA studio for the furniture studio DONNA delivers a fluid design to cater to your changing home decor needs.
The mirror acts as a decorative composition where reflection is optional, but not the main option.
A vertical installation looks modern and bold
The quartz plates on either side of the disc-shaped mirror allows for a multitude of variations. The mirror can be modulated by arranging the surrounding quartz plates at your discretion. The mirror can also be installed in a vertical manner, allowing you to change the composition of your home if you rearrange or update the furniture in your home to easily adjust and adapt to your creative taste. In this sense, HALF MIRROR is a prime example of an extraordinary and modern design solution combining functionality and non-binding decor.
A statement piece in your living area
The different direction of each component, as well as the ability to position the mirror vertically and horizontally, allows you to change the mood of the composition which, for example, is impossible when using painting or other decorative items in the interior.
Each Half Mirror is unique in that DONNA selects a different nature and type of stone for each one, and customers have the opportunity to pre-approve the rock and fragment of stone from which the product will be made. While copper is proposed as the material used for the composite rod, there are also other options to choose from.
Half Mirror is designed with the future, ever-transforming home in mind. With a variety of arrangements and design solutions in one, SVOYA studio’s design for DONNA presents a timeless and elegant decorative piece.
HALF MIRROR can be installed horizontally or vertically