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Seasonal Shift || Transitioning Skincare from Summer to Fall — 5 Steps to Keep Your Skin Healthy

As autumn’s fresh air replaces summer’s warmth, your skincare routine must adjust to keep your skin healthy and smooth.

From sunny summer days to dry, chilly fall air, your skin’s needs change. Your summer skincare products might be less effective with lower humidity and cooler temperatures. Here are five steps to help you adjust your routine and keep your skin hydrated and healthy during the fall.

Switch to a more nourishing moisturizer

A lightweight moisturizer may have worked well in summer, but your skin needs more hydration as temperatures drop in the fall. Now is the time to switch to a richer, more nourishing moisturizer to protect against dryness and cold air. Choose products that provide long-lasting moisture to keep your skin soft and smooth.

Gentle exfoliation

Summer sun often leads to a buildup of dead skin cells, affecting your skin’s radiance and texture. Exfoliate gently at the start of fall to remove the buildup and help your skin renew itself. An exfoliation cleanse allows your moisturizer to be absorbed more effectively. However, exfoliate only occasionally with mild products to avoid irritation.

Adapt to changing skin needs

As the seasons change, your skin’s needs will shift. Pay attention to how your skin responds, and adjust your routine accordingly. If you notice dryness, sensitivity, or excess oil, modify your skincare steps as needed. Everyone’s skin is a bit different, and sometimes odd occurrences like getting oilier skin in the fall/winter season could happen because oily skin could result from dehydration, and your skin is trying to produce more oil to protect it. A healthy routine evolves with the seasons. 

Maintain sunscreen habits

Even though the sun isn’t as intense in fall, UV rays are still present, and you should not underestimate its potential damage. Sunscreen is essential year-round. Choose a product with strong protection and continue to shield your skin from UV damage, whether you’re outdoors or indoors. I usually go for a product with an SPF 30 for daily use, and if I’m spending a day outdoors, SPF 50 would be better. Some people would ask why we shouldn’t always opt for a higher SPF, and the answer is that higher SPF products are sometimes more challenging to wash off, which leads to buildup on your face.

Stay hydrated

Skincare isn’t just about external products—internal hydration is equally important. As autumn’s dry air sets in, it’s easy to forget the importance of drinking enough water. Drink plenty of water daily to help keep your skin hydrated and support overall health. Staying hydrated will ensure your skin remains smooth and healthy during the dry season.

Adjust your diet to nourish your skin

Autumn’s diet can also help maintain healthy skin. Eat more foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruits, and nuts, to boost your skin’s resilience against dryness and dullness. Proper nutrition will help your skin stay bright and healthy throughout fall.

Transitioning your skincare from summer to fall doesn’t need to be complicated. Following these five simple steps, you can help your skin adjust to the changing season and stay healthy and smooth. Whether switching to a more nourishing moisturizer or adjusting your eating habits, your skin will glow throughout autumn.